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          1. 歡迎訪問北京卡普泰爾科貿(mào)有限公司!   店鋪星級: ★★★☆☆

            咨詢熱線: 13910081984     

            供求信息 TRADES
            主頁 > 供求信息 > 供應(yīng)原銅、古銅、青銅(綠銅)板,提供加工


            發(fā)布時間:2016年3月23日   |   閱讀次數(shù): 2737


            We provide three colors of products for the copper plate(ancient copper), bronze and patina(green copper).
            Contiguity of copper and air can form gradually strong and dense oxide layer, as time goes on, the color of oxide layer will turn into deeper then copper(ancient copper) color, then copper (ancient copper)color will oxidize continuously till appears to patina(green copper). Copper (ancient copper) and patina (green copper) color are the favorite for designers and owners, which manifest some kind of classic and nobility. However, under natural conditions, the oxidized process of copper is very slow and uncertain. So after more than one year’s research and development, our company introduces elaborately oxidized copper plate series. No matter whatever the original copper plate from 0.1mm thickness to 1mm thickness, or single surface and double surface, we can make the surface of copper plate oxidized till appears copper(ancient copper) or patina(green copper) color.

            With more and more usage of metal plate materials such as copper (ancient copper), patina (green copper), etc. in China, are you still worried about the expensive imported copper (ancient copper) and patina (green copper) plate materials? Are you still in the trouble of a long time delivery period of 3-4 months? You can know more about of our oxidized copper plate products in detail.

            At present, we provide two modes of cooperation: 1. you provide original copper, we are in charge of processing it into copper (ancient copper), patina (green copper) and charges only low processing fees. 2. We directly provide you with the finished copper (ancient copper) plate and patina (green copper) plate. Welcome to telephone and write to us.


            向掌柜 馬小軍 提問:

            上一條:供應(yīng)預(yù)鈍化鋁板、氧化鋁板,仿進(jìn)口鈦鋅板 下一條:供應(yīng)彩色金屬瓦等屋面瓦片